Structural Analysis And Design

Structural analysis and design

WBK Engineering Services is providing structural analysis and design services to Indian clients operating in the building industry. Our expertise and focus is on the design of precast concrete building structures which could be residential, commercial or industrial projects.

Structural analysis

Our structural engineers perform the structural analysis to calculate the strength, rigidity, and stability of the building structure and to understand how the structure supports and resists the vertical and lateral loads. Our precast engineering team has extensive knowledge of the standard design codes and structural analysis techniques for precast concrete buildings.

We are using specialist FEM computer software to prepare accurate 3D models for structural analysis. Our structural analysis models include the geometry of all the structural precast members like precast columns, beams, walls, and slabs. Material properties, support, and connections shall be modeled in such a way that they represent the actual behavior of the precast building structure. Our precast design engineers prepare very detailed 3D models with exact size and positions of door and window openings, cut-outs and shafts.

Our structural analysis services

  • Analysis of vertical and lateral load path
  • Optimization of precast building structure layout
  • Structural analysis using FEM software
  • Linear static analysis
  • Linear dynamic analysis (response spectrum)

FEM structural analysis model of precast building

Structural design

Based on the output results from the structural analysis model our precast engineering team will prepare the reinforcement and connection design for each precast concrete member. Precast concrete design calculations are based on the standard Indian design codes and supported by international codes, handbooks, and research papers. For each project, our structural engineers are preparing the design reports which describe the structural analysis approach and results together with the detailed design calculations. Furthermore, our precast engineering team instructs and guides our precast detailers for the preparation of precast erection drawings and shop drawings.

Our structural design services

  • Foundation design
  • Earthquake resistant design of building structures
  • Structural design for fire safety
  • Reinforced concrete design
  • Precast concrete design
  • Reinforcement design calculations
  • Precast connection design
  • Design of tie reinforcement
  • Design for progressive collapse
  • Preparation of design calculation reports

India precast design codes

Design of precast concrete building structures is based on the following Indian Standard design codes:

  • IS 15916 Building design and erection using prefabricated concrete
  • IS 15917 Building design and erection using mixed/composite construction
  • IS 11447 Construction with large panel prefabricates

Furthermore, some of the international codes and guidelines that are being used are as follows:

  • FIB 27 Seismic design of precast concrete building structures
  • FIB 43 Structural connections for precast concrete buildings
  • PCI Design Handbook USA – precast and prestressed concrete
  • CAE Guidelines for the use of structural precast concrete in buildings (New Zealand)